Reengineering is a hot topic for many companies these days. It’s the idea that no longer “do we have to throw out the baby with the bathwater” when it comes to old, struggling software projects. Now we can save the baby, give him a makeover and adopt him into a well-organized, streamlined family. Whether reengineering is the right fit for your company is dependent on a host of factors that include what are the Aim, Desired Outcome and Strategy for your organizational goals. Continue Reading
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When Cars Become Smarter Than Humans
The world today is characterized by a constant technological progress. For the automotive industry the digital revolution brings a complete automation and computerization of systems. Modern cars have access to the Internet as well as unlimited opportunities to remote control. Users can install the application and with the help of smartphones unlock their cars, find the location of the car, or remotely activate the climate control system. Drivers can also benefit from predictive systems which bypass traffic jams, notify speeding and improve safety. Take a look at the 4 latest technologies for the connected cars. Continue Reading
Why Every Company Should Consider Outsourcing
The market is competitive so companies are focusing on optimizing the business by cutting costs! Sounds a little crazy and self-contradicting, no? When you consider that companies spend a great deal of their budget on optimizing technology and software (expensive!) to remain competitive (necessary!), cutting costs and skilled manpower would be the last thing on a company’s mind in order to move the business forward! (Insane?) And yet, this is what many companies are doing these days! Welcome to the wonderful world of outsourcing where everything can be virtual from your assistant to your development team, and the term in-house development is a dirty word! Continue Reading
PSA Advocates Embedded Technologies for Increased Safety in Railway Systems
Safety has long been the most significant issue and biggest challenge facing the transportation industry. According to the research from Global Industry Analysts, in 2015 the value of the global railroad transport industry will reach $800 billion. As a result, the cost of failure also increases dramatically. Communication errors, visibility issues and other human errors cause the majority of rail accidents year after year. Because of this, rail embedded systems have grown exponentially over the last decade, thus dramatically reducing the number of accidents caused by human error. Continue Reading
The New Age of M2M
M2M (or Machine to Machine), the automated communication of data between connected devices, provides many unique solutions that have the capability to be utilized in a broad range of situations and industries in order to reduce costs, increase efficiencies, improve processes and simplify workflows, among other things. The continued development of the Internet of Things (IoT) which involves the communication and networking of objects via the internet is working to achieve a pathway for goods to travel to their destinations all by themselves as data currently does on the internet of today.