How to Modernize Your GUI by Porting to Qt Framework

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There is a number of useful toolkits nowadays when it comes to managing graphical user interfaces (GUI). Motif has been dominating the world of GUI toolkits since it emerged in the 1980’s. In a world of rapidly advancing technology, however, the maturity of the toolkit defines it advantages as well as disadvantages.

Motif applications are generally used on Unix based platforms. The limitation to a specific platform and complexities of development environments makes the porting of Motif application to different platforms difficult and expensive. Although Motif still has a large customer base, the toolkit is no longer being actively supported. This is the main driver for replacing the Motif toolkit. Continue Reading


Specifics of Effective GUI Development for Industrial Automation

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worker industrial automation

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Automation is the latest trending technology in many fields especially in industries like manufacturing, control systems, mining, etc. The industrial automation system developers are constantly searching for methods of improving the availability and maximizing the efficiency of those systems without compromising their quality and safety of operations. One of the areas where improvements can have significant impacts in this pursuit is HMIs, or user interfaces, used to control and operate industrial systems. Continue Reading


Specifics of Effective GUI Development for Internet of Things

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When we talk about the devices that make up the Internet of Things (IoT), what comes to your mind? Smartphones, wearables, light bulbs, refrigerators, thermostats, smoke sensors, infotainment systems – the list can be endless. These connected devices became an integral part of our daily lives and their number will continue to increase year after year, according to the experts’ forecasts.

As human interactions with connected devices become stronger, GUI developers face challenges each day when designing for IoT.  Continue Reading


Specifics of Effective GUI Development for Medical Devices

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medical device to detect glucose in the blood of diabetics

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Medical devices have to be designed so that people can use them easily and reliably in order to simplify the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Development of convenient graphical user interface (GUI) for medical devices is especially important, as low usability of UI may have dramatic consequences.

Numerous studies have confirmed that poorly designed medical device interfaces has a significant impact on the growth of the use errors and may represent a hazard to human health and life. Continue Reading


Graphical User Interface as a Means of Interaction with Embedded Systems

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Living in the digital age, it is difficult to imagine day-to-day life without regular interaction between human and technology, embedded systems in particular. From banking ATM machines to in-car infotainment systems – consumers now rely on and expect the ease and convenience of intelligent embedded devices. Convenient human-machine interaction is possible due to graphical user interfaces (GUIs) – a software interface designed to standardize and simplify the use of computer programs. Continue Reading