Bringing Intelligence to Your Home

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smart home

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More than two thirds of consumers plan to buy connected technology for their homes by 2019, and nearly half say the same for wearable technology. [1]

Not that long ago there was only the first-born of smart devices, the cellular phone. Today, smart products are emerging across many industries. Devices nowadays are not just simple electrical parts; they have evolved to be complex systems consisting of hardware, software, data storage, and connectivity. Today, you can run things in your house without even being there, your doctor can monitor your health without you being in the hospital, or you can even give treats to your pets when you are not at home. Devices have become not only connected, but intelligent. They obtain and analyze data available to them and adapt to usage patterns. By generating all the data, devices are able to act as a self-sustained system allowing the user to simply enjoy a hassle free experience. Continue Reading


From Handcars to Integrated Autonomous Inspection Systems -The Progress of Rail Inspection

6 votes, average: 4.33 out of 56 votes, average: 4.33 out of 56 votes, average: 4.33 out of 56 votes, average: 4.33 out of 56 votes, average: 4.33 out of 5 (6 votes, average: 4.33 out of 5, rated)

About one-third of rail accidents are caused by track defects, such as broken or misaligned rails that could cause a train to derail [1].

Originally rail inspections were done visually. Not only was this time consuming and expensive, since often equipment had to be taken out of service, but in many cases it proved to be reactive measures rather than proactive. Increased rail traffic and higher speeds have led to shorten maintenance windows. This is where predictive automated inspection tools are becoming crucial for the success of the railroad industry. These types of inspections could help reach higher safety standards, increase productivity, and reduce operating costs. Continue Reading


Can Big Data Help Keep Railroads Safe?

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When most people see a freight train go by, they do not realize the systems and processes used to ensure their safety and the safety of the train or that each cars performance is being tracked continually. Safety is a major concern for all forms of transportation and the rail industry is certainly no exception. In 2015 an estimated 1,000 service interruptions were prevented by using newly developed systems [1]. Continue Reading


Choosing the Right Outsourcing Model for Your Business

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To outsource or not to outsource – has been a question for many companies. Temptation of reducing costs, improving efficiency and gaining access to exceptional capabilities by outsourcing is great, although some loss of management control and external risks have always concerned businesses. Despite all the risks, the global market trend is showing that more businesses are favoring outsourcing their work to other companies. According to Stratistics Market Research Consulting, IT outsourcing is accounted for $314.92 billion in 2015 and is expected to reach $481.37 billion by 2022 growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.2% [1]. If you have decided to outsource, there is a number of criteria you should check beforehand to make sure that your business will benefit from such collaboration. PSA has come up with an eight steps guide to a successful software development outsourcing project. Continue Reading


How to Modernize Your GUI by Porting to Qt Framework

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There is a number of useful toolkits nowadays when it comes to managing graphical user interfaces (GUI). Motif has been dominating the world of GUI toolkits since it emerged in the 1980’s. In a world of rapidly advancing technology, however, the maturity of the toolkit defines it advantages as well as disadvantages.

Motif applications are generally used on Unix based platforms. The limitation to a specific platform and complexities of development environments makes the porting of Motif application to different platforms difficult and expensive. Although Motif still has a large customer base, the toolkit is no longer being actively supported. This is the main driver for replacing the Motif toolkit. Continue Reading