IFA 2015, the world’s leading trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances, took place from September 4 to 9 in Berlin. During its 91-year history, the event opened up the doors to a whole new world of technologies and advanced engineering products. This year, the IFA exhibition showcased the latest developments in the fields of computing devices, smartphones, wearables, and connected home appliances. The last mentioned attracted significant public interest due to the growing demand for home automation products. By 2022, a typical family home could contain more than 500 smart devices, Gartner predicts¹. Continue Reading
Intelligent Building
The Future of SMART Houses – A Smart World for Smart Living
Building owners today are starting to think outside the box, and consider the impact of building smart houses on the electrical grid, the mission of their organization and the repercussions on the global environment. Building smart houses today is no longer a question of constructing buildings that contain system which provide comfort, light and safety to the owner. Now they are looking beyond that towards the future, where smart buildings of the future must connect to the world in an integrated, dynamic and functional way. Here is envisioned a building of the near future which seamlessly fulfills its mission to the owner, while minimizing energy cost, supporting a robust electric grid and mitigating environmental impact. Continue Reading