The Benefits Reengineering Can Bring to a Company

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Photo from Pixabay is licensed under CC0

Reengineering is a hot topic for many companies these days. It’s the idea that no longer “do we have to throw out the baby with the bathwater” when it comes to old, struggling software projects. Now we can save the baby, give him a makeover and adopt him into a well-organized, streamlined family. Whether reengineering is the right fit for your company is dependent on a host of factors that include what are the Aim, Desired Outcome and Strategy for your organizational goals. Continue Reading


Why Every Company Should Consider Outsourcing

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Photo from Pixabay is licensed under CC0

The market is competitive so companies are focusing on optimizing the business by cutting costs! Sounds a little crazy and self-contradicting, no? When you consider that companies spend a great deal of their budget on optimizing technology and software (expensive!) to remain competitive (necessary!), cutting costs and skilled manpower would be the last thing on a company’s mind in order to move the business forward! (Insane?) And yet, this is what many companies are doing these days! Welcome to the wonderful world of outsourcing where everything can be virtual from your assistant to your development team, and the term in-house development is a dirty word! Continue Reading