Managing safety on the rail network presents a major challenge to the rail industry as it faces pressures from rising numbers of passengers and high-speed trains. Nowadays, trains can travel faster, are heavier, and require a greater distance to stop. Possibilities for accidents include derailment, head-on collision with other trains traveling the opposite direction, and collision with automobiles at a level crossing. Level crossing collisions are relatively common in the United States, resulting in death for about 500 people each year. (Source: Federal Railroad Administration) Continue Reading
New Car Technologies: In-Vehicle Infotainment and Connectivity
The appearance and spread of connected cars have significantly changed the vehicle market. Automobile manufacturers show an increasing focus on developing the car’s ability to connect with the outside world and enhance the drivers’ comfort and safety. As a result, today’s car has the computing power of 20 personal computers, features about 100 million lines of programming code, and processes up to 25 gigabytes of data an hour. [1] Continue Reading
M2M: Solution That is Changing Healthcare
Nowadays, most of the world’s population is concerned about global health issues. As of 2012, about half of all adults in the USA —117 million people—have one or more chronic health conditions. One of four adults has two or more chronic health conditions. [1] As the number of people with chronic diseases is increasing, the ability for qualitative and constant monitoring of their health is limited. This results into the situation when many people are not receiving medical help on time and of a good quality, which can be life-threatening. Continue Reading
What Level of Communication Should Be Used with My Team to Ensure Project Success?
Communication in project management is critical for the success of the project. The amount of communication and the tactics employed in communication varies from project to project and from team to team. Depending on the scope of the project, one need to choose the most suitable way of communication: receiving reports from the project manager in charge or from each team member; participating in monthly, weekly or daily calls; communicating via e-mail, messengers, phone calls or through onsite representatives. Continue Reading
How to Rescue a Project Which is Unfinished or was Completed Incorrectly
If you have a project which was either left incomplete or perhaps was completed but does not suit your needs, your project may be in need of rescuing. If you are not confident that the original team assigned to the project is capable of reengineering and completing the project to suit, outsourcing may become a viable solution to the situation. Continue Reading