Why It Is Important to Keep the User Experience in Mind

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As technology continues to evolve through the years so do the number and diversity of the end user. Prior to 1980, most computing was done on main frames controlled by professional IT personnel.1 Today, almost anything can be done on a smart device in the hands of one to 100 year olds- including managers, students, accountants, home makers, engineers, teachers, scientists, health care workers, salesmen, etc. Each generation and skill level having their own specific set of needs that are diverse, complex and constantly changing.

When developing a software project it is crucial to tailor it to the needs of the end user as they will be using and benefiting from the product. If it is not developed to the requirements, wishes and specifications of the user, it will most likely fail.2 This can be a difficult task as the size and diversity of the targeted group of end users often vary.

Creating a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) can prove to be very beneficial in ensuring the product meets user needs. This can be a make-it or break-it point in your project, as the MVP should incorporate enough features to allow your targeted audience to validate there is adequate interest to continue the project, therefore, securing possible future funding.

Sometimes team members get caught up in finishing the project on time and within budget, which is where it is easy to lose track of the initial user requirement specifications of the project. Or on the other hand, needing to cut corners if unforeseen risks cause the project to go over budget, can be disastrous, if decision makers push through remaining tasks without reviewing which ones are necessary items. When facing these situations, it is important not to lose focus of the outcome you are hoping to achieve. Having stake holder’s review and test product versions throughout development allows their feedback to keep the project on course.

Professional Software Associates professionals possess the knowledge to assist in setting an appropriate plan in motion to see project success, from providing quality solutions that fit your budget to downsizing a scope of work, if needed, while maintaining or improving the end product. Additionally, we have resources that can help rescue a project that was either left unfinished or contains bugs that prevent a solution from working correctly.


1. https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/book/the-encyclopedia-of-human-computer-interaction-2nd-ed/end-user-development
2. http://www.digitalistmag.com/customer-experience/2014/03/31/user-involvement-a-critical-software-project-success-factor-01247366

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