The term “Big Data” refers to the massive amounts of digital information that companies collect. Industry estimates the growth rate of data roughly doubles itself every two years, from 2500 Exabytes in 2012 to an expected 40,000 Exabytes in 2020. [1]
Most companies work hard to obtain valuable business information, which will then be used by different internal groups. However, once the data is received, the protection of this information becomes a priority and your business needs to ensure that there is no data lost or other system weaknesses.
Author: PSA Marketing Team
Happy Holidays and Reflections on the Outgoing Year 2016
As 2016 comes to an end and we reflect back, it is important to remember where we were when the year started and how far we have all come during the last 12 months. Professional Software Associates has many accomplishments that we are proud of from 2016. We’ve welcomed new customers to our family as well as continuing to work with our cherished loyal customers. Additionally, we officially started a partnership with TouchPad Electronics, adding a manufacturing extension of our services to provide complete, turnkey product development. Continue Reading
PSA – Resident Expert in Rail Software Thanks to Our Customers
Since PSA started 23 years ago in 1993, our knowledge and expertise in rail signaling solutions has grown tremendously through successful project completion time and time again. PSA has delivered over 144 projects during the last five years in four major areas of the rail industry: Platform, In-Cab Systems, Wayside and Back Office. To accomplish this feat, PSA engineers spent more than 141,000 hours in development and had over 1,500 hours of training. Continue Reading
Why Quality Project Management is Key to Successful Project Realization?
Quality project management is undoubtedly important in every industry. In modern business and changing global economic realities, the role of Project Manager (PM) is becoming more important and imposes additional requirements and expectations from customer’s side.
A Project Manager is usually in charge of 3 main aspects: Costs, Deadlines, and Quality of final product. Thus, the PM serves as a bridge between the client and development team. Continue Reading
Bringing Your Awe-Inspiring Software Idea to Life!
You did it! You’ve imagined an amazing idea for a software product that is going to set the world on fire…and you cannot wait to see it being used. You are not alone, over 2,371 mobile apps are published each and every day. [1] That number does not include all the other embedded software and desktop applications. Where do you start if you are not a developer and have little experience at managing the development of a software program? How do you bring your vision to life, in a very competitive, ever changing market place?
As with any new inspiration, having a solid plan in place is crucial to developing a successful software product, the more work done up front will save time and money in the long run.